VI LDB Knowledge
The central matrix of the construction of the learning of – by means of an activity of associations and the interactions, that looks to old data links the news, as Piaget considered. Today as the profusion of the medias and them sources of information, have a great stimulaton the instrumentalizao of the linguticas variants, as half to transform the one experiences daily in conceptual interfaces. In order to supply the problematic diagnosis of the education, the efficiency of a full learning will only be possible if this to remotar its formador beginning the pedagogical resume, therefore the same it is the theoretical recital for the work in each area to discipline, condudentes with the social reconstrucionalizao, being fruit of the collective quarrel. Ahead of alicerada pedagogical construction in legal bases as article 206 standes out VI LDB 96, the school I assumed its function to guarantee the educative prtica and integroda practical, in a joint and democratic management. The professor conceives itself therefore who assists and motivates them with subjects of its interests and experiences, generating the pleasure for the discovery. He is in this context if to use of the technologies of information in order to take alunoa to be selector, acquiring of aplausvel form aprendizage, therefore he starts to understand the object of conhecimeto, starting to criticize and to validate its knowledge in diverse situations.
This pupil is conceived pautado in techniques that had improved its learning. You enlace however them educational based on the autonomy and in the respect to the being of educating it is to compreemder that the school is not the juxtaposition of rooms and that learning is real fruit cultivated by a long process of aragem (resume), plantation (planning), regao (the incentive of the research) and the growth (transference of the learning for other occasions), because to educate it is an arduous and irrefutable passage. CONCLUSION Before the o displayed in this work of joint, the learning is not a ready product, that the sucita professor in the pupil, it is a process of an ample dimension, that involves in first plan the disposal of the individual in wanting to learn and ahead of this the enrollment of the professor to take to construct it by itself to it its learning with salient Vygotsky. Interlaced eses factors if originaliza many others, whose power can contribute for the development or its istagnamento. The professor as direcionador of learning integrates varied ideas and uses eses form knowledge fluente in its to educate, creating diverse projects for the styles of learnings of its pupils, approaching half appearances, notations, arguing amongst others