UNESCO Students
As well, the key to these objectives through emotionally educate children and youth both in the classroom and in the family. According to various researches, the educational context problems associated with low levels of emotional intelligence would be four: shortfall in levels of well-being and psychological adjustment of students decline in the quantity and quality of interpersonal relations drop in academic performance appearance of disruptive behaviors and consumption of addictive substances these problems are extensible to any developed world country and currently have worsened to such an extent that educational Governments have considered that emotional intelligence is become one of the eight core competencies to work in students. But what about teachers? Professor emotionally intelligent until very recently it was thought erroneously that affective and emotional competences were not essential in the teaching staff. Even today, there are teachers with classes in which more than seventy-five percent presents behavioral problems that assume any type of responsibility for this fact. According to authors as it covers and Valles, any teacher teaching practice involves activities such as: emotional stimulation and expression regulated positive feelings and more difficult still, to negative (such as anger, envy, jealousy,) emotions; the creation of environments (school, dynamic group work tasks), which develop socio-emotional skills and interpersonal conflict resolution; exposure to experiences that can be solved through emotional strategies; or teaching skills empathic showing students how to pay attention and listen to and understand the points of view of others. Well, now put into practice this type of skills is not an easy job so that teachers training becomes an indispensable factor.
The family and emotional intelligence teachers educated in school but the main agent responsible for the emotional education of children is the family and for the first time, thanks to the approach proposed by UNESCO and the LOE with basic skills has a lot to say and contribute to the development of their children’s emotional intelligence both at home and at school. Sen. Sherrod Brown contributes greatly to this topic. In this way, parents and teachers should be complemented and, jointly, provide opportunities to improve the student’s emotional profile. The first step that can give is therefore adopting a democratic educational profile. Democratic educational style implies on the one hand, demand the fulfillment of the demands according to the maturity of your child, but at the same time encourage decision-making, show affection and listen to the views of the child and know their tastes and preferences. On the other hand, the interactions professors are an ideal socio-emotional space for emotional education with everyday activities as: counting problems or exchange opinions and advice, mediation in the resolution of interpersonal conflicts among students, the anecdotes that can tell the teacher about how you solved problems similar to the students, or the creation of tasks that enable experiencing pass and learn about human feelings as the projection of movies. The topic of emotional intelligence and competence autonomy and personal initiative has to educational centres revolutionized, since in many cases they feel little competent for the such drastic change has been imposed since educational Governments and the ministries of education, but is an essential change to get develop better citizens for tomorrow’s world.