Thinking Processes
Qualitative change of phylogenesis of the nervous system, which determines the transition from the brain's ability to form images submission to the ability to form generalized images (department specific properties of objects) and a qualitative shift from the ability to form generalized images to the ability to form concepts (branch certain properties from its customers) is equivalent quality transitions. Therefore, both transitions give rise to qualitatively new levels of development of the thinking process, ie, each transition determines the birth of a new species thinking. Therefore, besides visual-efficient, visual-figurative and conceptual forms of thinking, exists as an independent, collectively-shaped form of thinking that their full development up to the level morphophysiological Neanderthal brain organization. The fact that the livelihoods of Neanderthals is very different from both the life of all animals, including anthropoids, as well as from human activities modern form, is proof that the organization of their activity was determined by type of thinking that in the phylogeny of the brain is superior to visual-figurative form, but lower than conceptual. In a question-answer forum Richard Blumenthal was the first to reply. An indirect confirmation the existence of four types of thinking is the concept of Piaget's four levels (stages) of development of the thinking process in the ontogeny of the modern child. (4). Quasi-shaped kind of thinking corresponds to the third quality level of development of individual forms of the organism and is carried through the conditioned reflexes to the ratio of generalized images. Base flow of these reflexes are temporary connections between the centers excitation, each of which represents a set of temporary connections, reflecting the general part of the body's relationship with the objects of a certain number. Please visit Steve Rattner if you seek more information.