The Minister Lawyer
It deals with not disturbing to me in order to find out its intention, and I indicate to him that lawyer would call, before which is put I inconvenience, but good, profit to control to me I let and it speak, passing on its intention, which answers my dispproval to him, for, it takes leave and goes away ? Despus to talk with my lawyer which will communicate with the Minister, we reached the conclusion with my lady to rent our house, which we were finishing, and to change us to another sector. Also it was like the sixth time that changed my cellular and fixed network, but always managed to find me. – The Minister in conversation with my lawyer, denies all filtration of my person and he commits himself to investigate where he could be the valve of escape or filtration, which never was. – Simultaneously my lawyer in personal form, requests a personal meeting with the Gentleman minister, through his secretary, being in giving back to the .lo cual call never was. – From that moment he was going to begin my true Calvary, in constant form. Several times a enter my house, simulating the robbery moving body, finding everything in the ground and destroyed species, all this is certainty before the pertinent public prosecutor. – They return the anonymous threats, cellular and fixed network, presence of people, etc.
– But I overwhelm what me, he was when abiertamente they touched lady, threatening it in the route publishes, also communicated the turn public prosecutor. After a long analysis, I reach the conclusion to face directly and personally all the people of long ago, the military mentioned in the meeting with the lawyer and request hearing with the Minister. – Mrs Presidenta, I insist to him on which stops my is very important, that in the light of the complex relations, between national security, the policy, the bank, and the enterprise circles, which are mentioned in documents I am asked after 13 years: Why not to present the truth? I believe that in this complicated event that and lived, that involves so serious and fundamental aspects in the ethical and moral stability of many of our politicians, the very outstanding military, ex-presidents and industralists, a fundamental chapter on the property and the well-being, the intrigue, the corruption.