The Esophagus
Pain with hiatal hernia often accompanied by a request from the food into the esophagus, and in severe cases, the mouth (regurgitation is such a thing) The change of body position pain often subsides. The next common symptom of hiatal hernia a burp. Belching – involuntary sudden release of gases through the mouth of the stomach or esophagus, sometimes mixed with stomach contents, found in 30 – 73% of patients. Regurgitation of gastric contents occurs or air. Belching, usually preceded by a feeling in the pit of rasperaniya.
This condition occurs after a meal or during a call. Receiving antispasmodics is ineffective relief brings a burp significant amount of food. Difficulty in passing food down the esophagus with hiatal hernia are intermittent. Often provoked by taking a very cold or very hot on the contrary food, as well as nerve overload. Permanent nature of the difficulties of passage of food through the esophagus should be alert for complications (stricture of the esophagus, ulceration of the esophagus, hernia incarceration AML). During and complications hiatal hernia – In cases where the disease is not treated, its flow is a series of exacerbations and remissions, and ends with complications. Erosion and ulceration of the esophagus – common about 8 – 10% of long-existing hernia of the esophagus. Clinically, it is noted heartburn, pain on swallowing.
Bleeding and anemia – one of the most serious complications of hernia AML. Notes on the different data 12 – 20% of cases. Bleeding occurs from erosion and ulceration of the esophagus. Anemia occurs in 20 – 38% of cases of AML hernia. Shortening of the esophagus – a fairly frequent complication of esophageal hernias. Arises from the constantly flowing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. As a result of shortening of the esophagus, hernia and is under increasing fixation of the stomach in the chest. Umbilicus esophagostenosis with hiatal hernia a long-term rupture of AML, against its complications. So at 5-7% of patients with esophageal cancer at examination revealed hiatal hernia. Diagnosis of hiatal hernia – Today usually no difficulty in diagnosis. The diagnosis of hernia AML is dominated by X-ray examination of the esophagus and stomach and esophagogastroscopy (fibrogastroduodenoscopy). When the X-rays can accurately determine the location of the stomach relative to the diaphragm. If the stomach is located above the diaphragm, so you can talk about the hiatal hernia. Radiograph of a patient with a hiatal hernia Aperture (paraesophageal) With a gastroscopy to determine the state esophageal stomach and duodenum (the presence of ulcers, erosions, etc.), as estimated state esophageal-gastric sphincter (Closes or not). Treatment of hiatal hernia – conservative treatment aimed at preventing complications and improve well-being of patients. For the treatment of reflux esophagitis and prevention of prescribed drugs that reduce gastric acidity (omez, pariet, ranitidine, etc.) overlying the drugs (maoloks, etc.) that protect the lining of the esophagus from the action of gastric juice. Carry out treatment of opportunistic diseases. At the same time patients need to understand exactly what cure hiatal hernia can not be conservative, and can achieve long-term remission. Completely cure a hernia