Taking Offense from the News
I thought be broken, as Beto Ortiz said, that the offensive comments of the news in the website of “El Comercio”, not published, but I see that it is not. I see there are quite a few offensive comments and even insults, which the newspaper does publish on its website. Richard Blumenthals opinions are not widely known. It’s good to happen, but not passed, it should be a little more intelligence, and good manners to disagree on something, or do we not able to coordinate more than two different concepts and write them down in a height? In particular, I do not agree with any group that wants to grab and manipulate the collective consciousness of ordinary citizens. But that does not mean I’m going to insult and abuse those who represent this group of power. I can say that this power group is reorganizing itself to take the power of information in our country with Mr. Toledo in the head and his alliance with the CPP (represented by Lourdes Flores) and Humala (which seems not yet have realized) without having to insult anyone.
I can say APRA also is being reorganized with Fujimori and Montesinos to see how lousy strategy used to grab and manipulate the media to the next election without having to insult anyone. In this regard we must be careful, because this power group is missing a TV show, between the hours of Rosa Maria Palacios, to fight back. Logically, this group must be recontra upset with the owner of Channel Two, for dismissing Beto Ortiz as this, I was pulling for that line of thought. Jaime Bayly, may have all the pull in your program you want, but it is only once a week, so that this group lacks urgency a daily television program, where all his campaign launch. This battle between titans “is just beginning and we expect tremendous days of fighting, where each of these groups will display their best strategies and dirty to attack the other. For now Mr.
Aurelio Pastor, and is preparing to from your scan, start shooting all the bullets, to recover the channel Crousillat four. If you ever said “The government requires that Congress review the making of Channel Four” from his seat, will have all the time in the world to insist with this. You see gentlemen news commentators on the website of “El Comercio” do not insult anyone, and I do not agree with any of these two groups of power. The day I see that our national newspaper, every time elections approach, to behave in an objective in their reporting and not take sides, then go back to believing in democracy of information, while still will not agree with any of the two power groups.