Biodermis Products Online Shop

You buy the products from Biodermis online in the shop by Markus Halfpap in the United States can already since Biodermis products purchase over 20 years. What’s that to us in Germany? Well, first since 2008 you can buy these products in Germany. Previously the brand of Biodermis was doctors…

You Want To Be Non-smoking Finally Permanently?

To manage a permanent exit from the nicotine addiction! There is hardly a smoker, yet not in vain tried to get rid of his nicotine addiction. Initially good faith was quickly supplanted by withdrawal symptoms and the new handle to the cigarette was already preprogrammed. But what is it actually…

Melaleuca Tree

Tea tree oil from the tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is a popular home remedy and has a killing effect on bacteria, viruses and fungi, and is often called \”Miracle cure\” for the treatment of acne, pimples, warts… Many herbs are known to people since the middle ages. Click Sen. Sherrod…

Bulimi Nervosa

‘. Schools and interested teachers can contact the cashier and request extensive information and educational material. The reason for this campaign is the alarming number of young people with eating disorders. According to the results of the child and youth health survey (KiGGS study, Robert-Koch Institute 2006), nearly 22% of…

In The Winter Sun And Vitamin D Are Scarce

What can be done to reduce the health risk? We Germans have little vitamin D in the blood. Even otherwise very shy nutrition researchers have to admit that, for the vast majority of the population, vitamin D is in short supply. Source: Senator Brian Schatz . This negative trend observed…