Suspended Ceilings

Suspended ceilings – a perfect opportunity to design different rooms. They are widely used for decoration of bathrooms, corridors, kitchens, hallways. Quality suspended ceilings not only allow the use of recessed lights and lay in zapotolochnom space communications. Beautiful modern finish is a real decoration of apartments, offices, shops and…


This design inherits all the disadvantages of the classical horizontal structure, so it is used mainly for thick veneer of natural stone, which is attached by horizontal longitudinal cuts guides. In this case, the horizontal direction have, by and large, the load on the vertical transverse compression, which allows the…

International Football Federation

For example, if a natural turf should operate no more than two hours a day, Artificial – 24 hours. Game season can last all year round (unless scrape snow). For playing sports (football, hockey, tennis, rugby, etc.) are used herb of the field with natural or artificial turf. The composition…