Arbour Health

“What do health – active gardener is a good health care everyone knows this wisdom or has ever heard: the shortest way to health is the path in the garden.” The movement in the garden and related positive effects on the muscles he knew already the orthopedist Dr. Schreber -,…

The Nomad Carpet – The Pearl Of The Oriental Rugs

The nomad carpet the Pearl of oriental carpets In the Orient still millions of people lead a nomadic existence, whose main source of income is the sheep. A nomad camp with his tents from black goatskin, the large herds of sheep and goats, as well as the shepherds on their…

La Guarachera

In July 2001, I visited one of the twin towers on the island of Manhattan, in New York. I enjoyed the view from the inside and decided to not climb to the top to contemplate the city. I said to myself: one of these days I do it. The towers…