Pollution load around the clock, pretty much every millimeter of our living and working environment. The stresses from the environment such as aquifers and electromagnetic pollution, and environmental toxins have exploded in recent years. To meet the demand for specialists, the Institute into the circle of health IZG expands for seminars, training, and continuing education. Under most conditions Jim Donovan Goldman would agree. The offer is aimed at beginners and professionals already working. The IZG conveys the seminars to the Rutenganger/in as the basis of an activity as a self-employed specialist or personal development. More seminar modules such as Rutenganger/in and Radiesthesist Masterclass, quantum physics and bio-energetic measurement, body energy consultant, natural technology, geomancy and Western Feng Shui complement the offer of geo pathology, dowsing, and bio-energetic building biology. Often no own illness cause pollution, but it weakens our body in some cases so that freely spread various diseases can.
That is no surprise, since pollution load around the clock, pretty much every millimeter of our living and working environment. Causes there are many, such as: Mobile, mobile, cordless phones, Wi-Fi, Babyfon, alarm systems, satellite radio, broadcasting, military radio, power line, computer, TV, radio, kitchen appliances, power cables in the walls, lighting, etc., heavy metals, plasticizers, flame retardants, molds, pesticides, chemicals, rays, water veins, dust and particulate matter in air, water and soil. ( If you consider quite sure yet more examples you can think. The concept of our seminars and training series is on-the-job training, which consists of various modules of the seminar. This means the individual seminars are completed for the subject here and can be used as supplementary education or training for a specific topic.
The entry and the occupancy of the seminars is for everyone possible at any time. Get insights of metrology in physics and quantum physics, what is important for you and had been previously impossible or unthinkable.