Norm AP. Silveira de Moraes Psychologist and Writer. 25/01/12 Trocar the bags (supermarkets) for the bags of traditional lixos are the solution? It is very good for being able to collaborate for the salvation of the planet and all must adhere to this so important movement starting for the recycling in house. All garbage must correctly be separate therefore has the catadores of garbage (live of the reciclvel garbage), and the lixos must be reaproveitados by industries that use materials of these types such as: paper, cans in general, glasses, plastics, etc. Currently arrived the prohibition of supply of plastic bags for the commercial establishments as markets and supermarkets. Controversas has many opinions on the subject and going to the supermarket the customers with opinions can themselves be perceived to think the respect.
The majority of the consumers, uses the bags to place domestic garbage not depending on the traditional garbage bags (black). The question that is the following one. Where we are helping planet, if we are only substituting the bag for the bags? That alternative it was offered the consumers not to be to buy its proper still more expensive bag and. The cardboard boxes cannot be alternative and nor paper bags as it was seen in the TV, therefore the result will be still more cut trees, what it will be very worse for the environment since we need the trees to breathe and to protect the land. as is other the plastic packing and bottle cooling that are still worse for the environment? You returned we almost do not see them. Unhappyly one becomes some laws without thinking about the people, giving alternatives, and with interest of some entrepreneurs in profiting more and some politicians in appearing. In this now one will be for helping the planet alone if to play the garbage in the street without bags and if had who collected or system of modern collect as in some countries still thus it would be viable.