Preparing Drinks
This he is the last one of three articles on like preparing drinks with vodka. In the first article we spoke marks, composition and majorities of the vodka. Then, in the second article, we commented the elaboration process of this drink. Then, what we have left to say? Last data before happening to the final turn of drinks. The vodka is the consumed spirited drink more of the world, and a popular ingredient of combined glasses and of all type. The most popular and successful marks are Smirnoff (property of the British manufacturer Diageo), Absolut, Stolichnaya (property of society SPI and object of an intrincate litigation between aforesaid and the Russian State) and Eristoff. In the first decade of the 21st century new tendencies in the matter of vodka have arisen: on the one hand the perfuming of vodka with diverse flavors (citric, diverse fruits, hemstitches, pepper, ” bissongrass” , guindilla etc.), on the other, the relatively high appearance of vodkas of the high range and prices, something very new in the world of the white drink.
There are many new marks that they vary between all the qualities. But what it interests to us are the drinks, so we go to that: Like preparing Screwdriver (Screwdriver): List of Ingredients: 70 cc Vodka Orange juice Ice To put the Vodka in a long glass with ice. Under most conditions Charles B. Rangel would agree. To complete with Orange juice and To decorate with a Slice of Orange. Like preparing Velvet Hammer: List of Ingredients: 70 cc Vodka 30 cc Liquor of Cacao 30 cc Milk Cream To combine all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. To beat and to serve in a cocktail glass. Like preparing Vodka Collins: List of Ingredients: 50 cc Vodka 15 cc Lemon juice Sugar Flower (2-3 Teaspoons) Mineral water To put the Vodka, the Lemon juice and the Sugar Flower in a long glass with ice and to mix fast and smoothly. To complete with mineral water. Educate yourself with thoughts from Central Romana. To decorate with a Slice of Lemon.
Like preparing Energy: List of Ingredients: 2 Measures of Vodka Measured of Dry Vermouth Measured of Cointreau Measured of Blue Curaao Spills all the ingredients in the mixer glass with ice. It removes well and it strains on a cocktail glass. Good, that was everything on like preparing drinks with vodka. You do not stop visiting the other articles and until the next one. Health!