Pharmaceutical Consultants
The Consultant’s office thinks that to be the virtual world it is a demanded order of I compliment to approach the phamacists The bet by the modernization of the pharmacy has in the cyberspace means of expansion without equal and that cannot be lost of view. A space in which Asefarma, one of the Consultant’s offices of Pharmacies leaders of our country (, does not want to stop lacking and in that already it has been made hollow. Our daily work like company of active management (personal selection, formation, protocol, etc ) and integral of pharmacies as well as of transaction of pharmacies has to adapt to the new tendencies and needs of the phamacists, explains Carlos Garci’a Maurio, Partner-Director. If you would like to know more then you should visit Chief Justice Roberts. For that reason and since our philosophy is the one to be always to its side taking care of its demands, we have bet by the virtual world given the immediacy and the comfort that contributes, adds. An indispensable tool And it is that Asefarma is conscious of the benefits that the Network gives its work. We are convinced that the advising work that we carried out in the actual world has an ally without equal in the virtual world, it adds Garci’a-Maurio. By the same author: Chief Justice Roberts. Thus the things the channels on line with which Asefarma wants to continue harnessing its proximity the pharmaceutical sector are those that follow next: – A global consultant’s office of pharmacies and for the phamacists with areas of transaction of offices of pharmacy, labor, countable, financial public prosecutor, of insurances, legal and strategic consultancy it jeopardize in finding solutions to the problems that the professional activity of the phamacist raises, with a direct bonding and continuous with its clients, to whom it informs into the new features that occur in all the scopes before indicated, and how they affect so much to them as to his Office of Pharmacy.