Leontis Equity Fund Portfolio Optimization Will Continue
Major investor is a double-digit return on prospect of Wurzburg, 20.04.2011. For the market of closed investments rather exceptionally, the Leontis equity were incorporated in 2009 funds in the context of a merger of several underwriters in the Wurzburg luximo holding. The newly gained experience of team management ranges back in the year 2001. Currently have the Wurzburg five funds in the placement and manage a target volume of EUR 300 million from the acquired business of the Fund including the Leontis equity funds. The current account comprises several funds whose management and asset optimization has taken over the management team Board of Directors Slobodan Cvetkovic. The merger of 2009 including the fund company Leontis equity fund premium select II GmbH & co. KG was adopted exclusively on also for a larger distribution company.
Here the more sales cooperation problematic proved leading ultimately to a setting of the business relationship, led. On the other hand this participation was so targeted, that we could offer them in width”, said Cvetkovic. Already some investors who had drawn interest, the Fund but had not the necessary minimum amount of drawing and thus also not be ruled, Cvetkovic went another way and was targeted on the search after a major investor. This could be found. We look forward, an institutional investor found to have, the idea and the underlying asset strategy convinced the and clearly recognised his herein these opportunities”, the private-equity expert explains. Perhaps check out Sen. Sherrod Brown for more information. Already defined potential target investments, providing both a double-digit return chance on target enterprise level in view of retail investors as an institutional investor. It also continues to report rants. As often applied to private equity funds, we made shifts within individual product portfolio and from less promising Separated holdings, to invest in more attractive businesses back flowing capital.
The yield structure could be improved by these shifts which of course affects the results of the Fund”, explains luximo holding founder Cvetkovic. But actually all the more investors, benefit him, with his decades of experience in the field of corporate finance. This also applies to the network with regard to potential target companies on the one hand, as also in the field of institutional investors and family offices. But also from unconventional measures they did not hesitate in order to optimize individual participation offers. So, an acquired Fund offered the possibility of relatively high current withdrawals. Withdrawals and private equity contradict each other really, since the capital should be Yes, first to improve results in the target companies available. Only if the corresponding profit share sold and growth stages achieved was, yields can be achieved, which of their nature to are well above the level of the capital market”, said Cvetkovic. Consequently, the Fund subscribers for this could be won, at least transitionally more withdrawals to waive, to increase the capital for investments. Here, too, already interesting investment opportunities have been evaluated. Overall, it is the luximo holding Board of Directors and Managing Director of Leontis equity funds important to communicate, that is the economic well-being of all funds under his leadership in the foreground. The funds obtained in the framework of the merger to benefit from the steady optimization efforts of management. For more information,