International Football Federation
For example, if a natural turf should operate no more than two hours a day, Artificial – 24 hours. Game season can last all year round (unless scrape snow). For playing sports (football, hockey, tennis, rugby, etc.) are used herb of the field with natural or artificial turf. The composition of artificial turf is divided mainly into three groups. Fibers first Groups are composed of polypropylene. Use on the football field this type of grass burns accompanied athletes.
Over time, production technology of artificial grass fibers have evolved. The composition of the fibers was introduced a new material – polyamide. However, the use of such fiber in Russia countries co similar climate is difficult, because for softening of the fibers is often necessary to irrigate the synthetic turf with water, which in abrupt change in temperature is difficult and may entail the destruction of the fibers. The latest achievement in the field of synthetic turf fibers become polyethylene. Its distinctive features are the strength and safety. System installation and drainage can exploit the playing field during the rain.
Depending on installation, artificial grass platforms are divided into Plumbing Infrastructure (with a layer of quartz sand and rubber granules) and nezasypnye. Filling allows you to adjust the height of the "stem" and the density of coverage, depending on the sport for classes specifically designed playground. Thanks to the backfilling of artificial grass rubber granules can be avoided "burn" the skin when an athlete falls on artificial turf. At nezasypnoy grass should be applied irrigation water. Colours of artificial grass consists largely of 2 colors: green and red, but there is also a collection that includes a diverse range of colors – yellow, blue, brown and other colors. For the artificial grass to look immeasurably easier than natural. Not accident in 2001, the International Football Federation (FIFA) has allowed an official matches on fields with artificial grass. Caring for artificial grass, as opposed to natural, reduced to cleaning extraneous matter. On this site you can play, basically, 24 hours a day 365 days a year in all climatic zones. Artificial turf is made from 100% synthetic materials: the copolymer, polyethylene, tialona, polypropylene, synthetic fleece cloth, dispersion of pva, rubber granules. Exploitation of artificial grass. 1. During the operation of artificial turf must be periodically moistened to improve performance and reduce dust. 2. Do not use on the lawn of an open flame and flammable liquids, as used in the production of materials that are combustible. 3. The temperature regime of intensive operation: -10 to +50 degrees C, in prevent premature spoilage and reduce the life of the lawn.