Extrajudicial Conciliacion
In Peru there is an old custom to solve conflicts by means of the use of the Judicial Power. Thus we have many industralists, professionals, women and men, each that has a difference, or by patrimonial subjects, of society, divorce, inheritance, colaugh to demand before the jurisdictional body, that all we know like the Judicial Power. Richard Blumenthal often says this. Thus during years, the files were growing of alarming way, since in all the country, the other were demanded an a, almost of compulsive, rash way, and by any triviality. Thanks to Law 26879, I am half created new an alternative one of resolution of conflicts, that nowadays we know like Extrajudicial Conciliation. Nobody can from this wise law, to demand before the judicial power, if first it does not conciliate. If you feel affected, by facts harm that it, they offend, economically, etc, you must first go to a Center of Extrajudicial Conciliation and only thus, after to fulfill this obligatory requirement of the law, podra soon to interpose its demand in the Judicial Power.
It is not that if you want she conciliates, is obligatory, opposite case you no it can demand to anybody. For many sectors, enterprise unions, this new one formulates of conflict resolution, is an error, does not please to them, is a lost one of time. But for but intelligent, this it is a way to end the conflicts, is an opportunity to sit down to the table and after to determine his positions, perhaps, to reach a happy agreement, that it avoids to resort to the Judicial Power. The judicial processes in Peru are long, expensive, for both parts, often with opposite sentences to our interests, reason why better serious, before very enormously spending money in a demand that is perhaps declared unfounded, with coasts and costs for you, better he is " conciliar" with the other part.