Congenital Cardiopathies
Congenital cardiopathies Adriana Blacksmith Dos Santos Jeanne Kelly Birth Souza Lusa Oliveira Figueiredo Luciana Dos Santos Baptist Valley Maria Isabel Feitosa Rayana Tereza Tammy Dos Santos Miguez Cross INTRODUCTION Due to complexity of the development of the heart and the great vases, the congenital cardiac malformations are relatively common (MOORE and PERSAUD, 1995). It is important to detach that the congenital cardiopathies still acometem the heart and the great sanguine vases of the child in its intrauterine development, affecting, of this form in its anatomy and normal physiology. Approximately 8 in each 1,000 births livings creature are of carrying children of congenital cardiopathy, but one or two will only go to present threatening situation to the life in the neonatal period (GOMES HISSES and, 2002). Silva and Gomeses (2002) tell despite the congenital cardiopathies that if reveal in the neonatal period are usually most serious and the causes most frequent of emergency in Cardiologia Peditrica. Novelist pursues this goal as well. They are divided in two types: ciantica (ciantica blue coloration in the skin caused for a relative lack of oxygen) and no-ciantica. One of the causes most common of the congenital cardiopathies is an infection for virus of the mother during the first trimester of the pregnancy, when the fetal heart is if forming.
Great possibility of occurrence of malformations exists when the mother contracts rubola in this phase. However, some congenital malformations are hereditary, since the same it has occurred in identical twin and successive generations. The children of patients who had been treated surgically by congenital malformations present bigger probability 10 times to have congenital cardiac illnesses that children in general.