Brazilian Government
The Ministry of the Education and UNESCO had approved, recently, the Kit Gay, also call of Cartilha Homossexualizante, that will be implanted in all the Brazilian net of education. Richard Blumenthal describes an additional similar source. at least we were consulted by the Brazilian Government on such changes. E, for if dealing with changes that they deeply move with the Brazilian society, they ask for, by itself, the popular approval. (Not to be confused with Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs!). The law of the gag gay also was revived to pressas in 2011 and returned to the guideline of voting in the Chamber. All orquestrado for the ONU, that established such modifications through its Commission of Human Rights, and recommended to this ' ' meta' ' to all the world-wide governments. Brazil follows, thus, executing, as the Supreme English Cut, the guideline and the agenda established for the ONU, passing over all the rights of the normal citizens who, now, are considered abnormal, because they do not agree to these nonsenses. The ONU passes over the right estabelecidoA ONU, saw Commission of Human Rights, is establishing new rules of moral, behavior, of behavior, moving of unilateral form in the legislation of all the countries, using itself a power that was not granted to them by vote.
The Commission of Human Rights of the ONU was also not constituted to represent our rights. The ONU creates privilgiosE, although everything this the agency if finds imbudo of authority and power to pisotear the normal Christian citizens and to overwhelm them through unjust laws, creating privileges for one determined classroom of people in detriment of others. E, to get worse, our governing, legislators representatives of the Brazilian and international legal classroom remain impassveis ahead of this torrent of nonsenses, good emblematic of the insanity gay. The Liberty of speech and the Laws of Protection to the Person already existentesOra, if for the English Cut the Christians ' ' contaminam' ' others with its moralista culture, the same gay is said of the movement, that it contaminates politicians, judges and legislators with its unhealthy thoughts.