Ambient Education
Elisabeth Schreinemacher, of IPS-Brazil, thus is mentioned to agentelaranja: ‘ ‘ (1964-1975) North American osavies arrasaram up to 25% of the herbicidasconhecidos forests of the country with as agent orange, white, blue, pink, green and prpura' '. Algosemelhante if can say regarding the concern with the ambient education. Soon in the first lines of the Pronea (National Program of Ambient Education) we read that ' ' Some autoresmencionam that the after-Second period World-wide War made to emerge with one maiornfase the studies of the way and the importance of an education from entorno, arriving itself in the decade of 1960 to mention an ambient education explicit. They remember despite the muitoantes naturalists, journalists, writers and politicians already wrote on the necessity of protection of the natural resources oumesmo on the importance of the contact with the nature for the formation human being. Additional information at Sen. Sherrod Brown supports this article. Masatribui it the Conference of Estocolmo, carried through in 1972, the responsabilidadepor to insert thematic of the ambient education in the agenda internacional' '.
Oque we can make, now, is placing in them another level of investigation: educaoambiental is a thematic one that it opens potentialities and possibilities or one discussoque stanches in the limits? We can speak of different form: the nature, that is oponto central of the quarrel on environment, even so limited in seusrecursos, potencializa a infinity of possibilities in such a way economic cultural comoartsticas and. The nature is versatile and in it in such a way we can encontrarelementos that they can be transformed into economic goods as in produtosartsticos that enrich the cultural manifestations. The heading deexemplo we only can take the leaf of the coconut palm: left on the ground or embedded potencializaa fertility of the ground; it can be used, also, in diverse produesartsticas, as hats, and other ornaments; moreover, as manifestaocultural, it can be used as covering for habitations.