Legal Supply
It verifies so much the investment commitments as those of personnel. For example, he is not worth to put one hundred employees in a locality of 10,000 inhabitants since they are things that consider the valuation tables and are indispensable. Continuous dialogue. The communication must be continuous, with scheduled inspections and following a calendar pre-established to avoid disagreeable surprises and of last hour. The equipment must be multidisciplinary. The legal advising can every time be important less but it does not score, and what yes it is important it is to have experts with full name in the economic and technical sections that reinforce your supply. It requests name, last names and specialty of the lawyers or similars that are in charge to write up your supply.
7. What I can demand to them? The supply must be unique and personal. It must be written up with your corporative image, your logo and your color or customized style. You are not satisfied to tinned supplies or on the basis of prefabricated models. You must have a copy of all the documentation that will appear before signing it. When signing it you must know and already have assumed its content. Not you you let deceive with phrases because by intellectual property I cannot give a copy you. The document is yours and you must have certainty than you have presented/displayed and to have a copy at the same time as it is given to the Administration. It is certain that no adviser will allow you to yield your document to third or using it in another contest by obvious reasons, but the supply is yours and you are responsible for the commitments spilled in her. How you can try not to know which you have yourself it jeopardize and often guaranteed? Downtime: The supply is due to present/display within the term, and if possible, days before to avoid accidents that can leave you outside the contest.