San Martin
The appeal of Doctor helps to pervert them the judgment project append national schools to College is bad and ruinous, because it will contribute to disrupting the heads of school students and make unusable them for real life that is neither the universities nor the doctors. University education the nation are not interested in or interested in the community of the country generally worldwide universities are really free. Nothing you have to see neither the State nor anyone with the universities, really is this Council worthy of an educator who not removed the eyes of Europe. Unfortunately, very few reported that Manuel Belgrano is anticipated in the project of educating the Argentine population, which was then awarded to Sarmiento, and not only by the fact of donating those forty thousand pesos, which received by the victories of Salta and Tucuman, which we had at school, leaving aside a much longer history, that I leave to the next work. Because the fallacious history hung in classrooms three boxes, so teachers tell us Belgrano believe the flag, that San Martin crossed the Andes, and Sarmiento, good, went to Chile and wrote Barbaros ideas not kill – but in French – is Grandmaster, the father of the classroom and all this undeserved homage with included anthemthat noble Belgrano did not.
Juan Bautista Alberdi, who is not left behind if profane thoughts we have to talk, it seems that at the end of his life he had some changes. In his posthumous writings essays on the society, men and things from South America published in Buenos Aires in 1899, indicates that in the name of freedom and with claims of serving, our Liberals, Mitre, Sarmiento y Cia., have established a Turkish despotism in history, in the abstract policy, in the legend, in the biography of the Argentines. On the revolution of may, about the war of independence, about their battles on their wars they have a Koran, which is Bill OK, believe, profess, under pain of excommunication by the crime of barbarity and leadership perhaps do I need say any more? Now what very few people know, is that the own Nicolas Avellaneda, his successor in the presidential line, but also its formerly Minister of public instruction, is who puts into doubt once more the vaunted work of Sarmiento.