Southeast Asia
From the beginning of the 1970s, Sungkar Ba Ba’asyir and laid the Foundation for a militant Islamic movement, her work ultimately resulted in the establishment of cells of AC in several countries and the development of a dedicated and well-trained following. His task was complicated by the fact that many Indonesians have acceded to a way relatively moderate away from Islam. However, the radical Islamic movement was galvanized by the Suppression of islam as a political force during the Suharto regime. At the same time, international developments are encouraging Muslims to see jihad as the only real solution to the problems of their societies. These advances include the Iranian revolution of 1979 and the Mujahideen against the Soviets in Mghanistan resistance, estimated that they have participated up to a thousand of Muslims in Southeast Asia. This growing militancy was also driven by the global expansion of the schools (madrasas) and schools (pesentrens), Islamic fundamentalists as well as by the diffusion of radical mosques. In the years prior to implementing joint bomb attacks that began in mid-2000, the key group of the Organization’s priorities are recruitment and indoctrination of members creating an organizational structure to establish links with other terrorists and Muslim militant groups, including Al-Qaida.
Recruitment and indoctrination. Many people who later emerged as JI terrorists began their religious association through training provided by Sungkar and Ba Ba’asyir in Indonesia or Malaysia. In the 1970s, the religious clerics established a boarding school near Solo, Central Java, known as Pondok Ngruki. The school was dedicated to the teaching and Salafism a very conservative interpretation of Islamic principles. Again and again, the main agents JI detained by the authorities after attacks terrorists became part of the Ngruki network. These people had been students, disciples and assistants Sungkar and Ba Ba’asyir.