To Vygotsky
The dance is also a source of communication and creation informed in the cultures. As playful activity the dance allows to the experimentation and the creation, in the exercise of the espontaneidade. It also contributes for the development of the child as for the conscience and to the construction of its corporal image, aspects that are basic for its individual growth and its social conscience (BRAZIL, 1997 p.58). The dance is a form of interaction and expression individual how much in such a way collective, where the pupil exercises attention, the perception, the contribution and solidarity. The dance is also a source of communication and creation informed in the cultures. As playful activity the dance allows to the experimentation and the creation, in the exercise of the espontaneidade.
It also contributes for the development of the child as for the conscience and to the construction of its corporal image, aspects that are basic for its individual growth and its social conscience (BRAZIL, 1997 p.58). To Vygotsky, the acquisition of the language passes for phases: It speaks self-centered: It says it self-centered constitutes a language for the same person, and not a social language, with functions of communication and interaction. This ' ' to say sozinho' ' it is essential because it helps to organize the ideas better and to plan the actions better. She is as if the child needed to speak to decide a problem that, adult we, we would decide only in the plan of the thought/reasoning. An important contribution of Vygotsky and its collaborators, described in the book Thought and Language (1998), of the same author, are the fact of that, for return of the two years of age, the development of the thought and the language? what until then were studied separately? if they establish, creating a new form of behavior. This crucial moment, when the language starts to serve the intellect and the thoughts start to oralizar themselves? the phase of speaks self-centered? it is marked by the curiosity of the child for the words, for questions concerning all the new things (' ' what it is this? ' ') for the enrichment of the vocabulary.