Public Politics
It evidences the necessity of the efetivao of Politics Public, that can not only guarantee quality of life and social equality for all the children and for a layer of children of the society. In its article 5, the ECA brings: No child or adolescent will be object of any form of recklessness, discrimination, exploration, violence, cruelty and oppression, punished in the form of the law any attempted against, for action or omission, to its basic rights (1990: 1). Opposing the law, the statisticians in them point a critical situation with regard to the children and its rights. Fact verified not only in Brazil, as in the whole world: Millions of children in the whole world are hunger victims; 12 million children (with less than 5 years) die annually (1998) of curable illnesses (Unicef 2000 cit in Saints, 2001:41); millions are victims of miseries, bad-treatments, psychological recklessness, pedofilia, abuses, poverty, exclusion, extermnio and for there in ahead Before the culture of impunity and the economic interests, under which determined the elites they have remained above of justice and the law. (TOMS, 2007:2 – 3).
Thus being, it is evident that the interests of the capital if sobressaem to any another type of interest and in this conflict, has clearly in the city contradictions and disparidades that emerge of the context above cited. 3- Conclusion Ahead of this everything, we understand the necessity to deepen the studies on infancies in the city that if wants to be sustainable, that is, the city that wants to be durable in its actions of exploration and benefit of a minority on the kept out of society majority and delivers to the social risks and mazelas. We understand that one becomes necessary to investigate the laws, the regiments, the speeches on this categorial so that the practical actions can problematizar in city for the same ones.