Consensus Building is Indian Democracy
In the villages the commitment and the word is law, and consensus building is an expression of democracy. However, despite all this progress of the indigenous movement in the Andean region, there are risks and difficulties that the movement needs to reflect and overcome. Some Indian Movement Strategies: The indigenous movement has evolved gradually. In general, indigenous movements have had a short-term and their struggles have been aimed at issues purely protest, union style. There was a tradition of generating and making proposals and alternatives to the topics that are questioned or criticized. His speeches have been based on knowledge of their history, the blind defense of their culture and wisdom, or the condemnation and rejection of certain rules and laws that affect their interests.
These approaches are merely rhetorical, even as a heritage trail class because many leaders come from that school and have failed to renew their ideas. Today substantive changes are apparent because they are realizing that this form of struggle is not effective in achieving its objectives and are working hard to work on the formulation of proposals and offer alternatives that will serve as a tool in their struggles. This strategy is allowing the indigenous movement to take a tremendous leap because it makes it very dynamic and proactive, not passive, they are not only picky, but are also required to propose solutions for each action. On the other hand, implementing recreated indigenous knowledge is a guarantee of forward movement and not let fall into inertia, but, in turn, gives a peculiarity This wisdom allows recreated each time to surprise your speakers , is the state, private companies, or political traditions, because the proposals based on their indigenous wisdom are not always common, but respond to other logic which is not accustomed to hear in traditional politics, so many arguments and proposals, leaving them baffled their containers, forcing them to prepare.