Climate Favours
Climate change can ticks survive Munich even in winter – due to climate change, ticks can survive even in the winter. In the framework of an international symposium of ticks in Jena, headed by Dr. Jochen Suss, scientists have reported unusual findings. Ticks don’t Hibernate. Due to the increase in temperature in the winter months it happens increasingly, the “mini-vampire” from six degrees to be active and seek a host. Therefore the body ticks should be searched for any stay in the great outdoors. If there is one already has bitten down, you should pull out carefully with a pair of tweezers.
Symptom of a tick bite is a red discoloration of the skin around the bite site around. A special Tweezer, should be made of surgical steel, used to overcome the high holding force of the tick. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs spoke with conviction. Complete set of tick “tick” protect, available at the pharmacy, the tick can be reliably removed. Security is controlled with a magnifying glass, which increases 6-fold. If the tick is removed, shows the center of the bite area a red dot. A black dot is there sichbtbar, the head is the tick in the skin. In this case a doctor should be consulted immediately, which completely removed the tick. In winter in addition to climate change, there are increased Lyme disease infections further reasons that encourage the spread of diseases transmitted by ticks.
Ticks also benefit from air pollution declining in recent years as well as the increased activities of people in the great outdoors. The Association of praktizienden animal doctors in Germany indicates that the risk for dogs of tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease, developing anaplasmosis or Babesiosis, increasing significantly during the winter months. To protect themselves against TBE, Dr. Suss strongly advises vaccination. For other diseases, such as Lyme disease, transmitted by ticks, there is, however, still no vaccine. Doctors must expect that Lyme disease infections now more common in the winter. The tick is a worldwide common blood-sucking parasite with unimaginably fine sense organs, which feeds on the blood of his hosts. As vectors of disease to humans and animals, the tick has gained dubious fame. Ticks notice whether a host, human or animal, is coming from far away. You first drop onto the clothes and then find a soft spot of skin to bite. While they suck, flows saliva into the wound. The tick with pathogens is infected, can transfer an in and of itself harmless tick bite to the danger to the people and dangerous diseases.