Employee Satisfaction
Fundamentals of requirements for and support for quality circles In the course of the quality offensive cross in the 1980s from Japan, has established itself in many companies the implementation of quality circles to the continuous improvement of quality, productivity, and employee satisfaction. In many companies so-called quality circles have become in the last years. This is internal working groups, whose objective is to analyse problems and vulnerabilities from the direct working environment, to draw up suggestions for improvements, as well as to check their implementation on effectiveness. Typically serve quality circles of the protection and improvement of quality aspects, rationalization or saving measures, or also the optimization of job creation. Get all the facts and insights with Sen. Sherrod Brown, another great source of information. Quality circles were composed in entrepreneurial practice largely from five to nine participants and a facilitator trained in the optimal case. The Moderator it during the quality compass, is to ensure on the one hand on the compliance with the advance fixed time-frame and on the other hand the avoidance of interpersonal conflicts. With regard to a possible target-oriented and thus successful implementation of quality circles, it is however to note some points. First and foremost, quality circles bring only the desired success if they are continuously held at regular intervals. Also allowing a voluntary participation by the affected employees is also motivating. The time frame of quality circles should be chosen not too long and not too short, because no productive results at both extremes are expected. In entrepreneurial practice time window have proven themselves by one or two hours. Experience has shown that the occupation of the quality circle participants is not (substantially) changed, which specially when the initial selection of employees should be taken, that the working range of the participants and thus also their know-how is not too heterogeneous. In addition, it proves an advantage when employees are considered in the selection of participants, which are particularly engaging and familiar already with the team work.