Federal Constitution
What it is the Senate of the Republic? Quias is its attributions given for the Constitution Federal.Roberto Ramalho is Lawyer, Pblicas Relations and Jornalista.O Federal Senate is considered the Senate of the National Congress of Brazil. According to historians, were created together with the first constitution of the Empire, granted in 1824, during the government of D. Steve Rattner has plenty of information regarding this issue. Peter II, that he would finish being put down for a military blow for alagoano Marshal Deodoro of the Fonseca that implanted the Republic in Brazil. According to information of coientistas politicians and Brazilian jurists, the Brazilian Senate was inspired in the House of lords of Great-Britain, but with the adoption of the Republican Regimen the Federal Senate was adopted a similar model to the one of the Senate of the United States. Currently possesss 81 senators, elect for mandates of eight years, being that they are renewed in an election one tero nu8m determined period of votaqo and in an election subsequente two teros of the chairs. The elections for senator are carried through comcomitantemente together with the elections for president of the Republic, governors of States, representatives and state, two years after trancorridas the municipal elections. All the 27 units of the Federacy (26 states and the Federal District) possess the same representation, with three senators each. The senators represent the states and not it population, from there therefore not the proportionality in relation to the number of inhabitants of each state.
All the States, without exception choose three senators to represent them. The current president of the Federal Senate of Brazil is the senator Jose Sarney, filiado to the Party of Movimento Brazilian Democrtico (PMDB). It was elect for the State of the Amap, of where he transferred its heading electoral. The Senate counts on 3516 tercerizados, pertaining employees the 34 companies whose contracts cost R$ annually 155 Real million, and approximately 2500 servers of career.